What is ADHD?
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting a person's executive functions like attention, working memory, and the ability to self-regulate. It is estimated that 5% of the world population lives with ADHD.
You could see us as clumsy, forgetful, restless, socially awkward, and sometimes all over the place. And yes, we sometimes are all of that, no denying. But, we tend to be also passionate, intuitive, creative, and generally warmhearted and friendly people. We get excited easily, that's part of the trait. Our brains are just wired differently.
Usually, people are born with this disorder and, unlike believed in the past, if you have it you will have it for the rest of your life. Similar to autism, another neurodevelopmental disorder, there is no cure for ADHD. However, there are plenty of coping mechanisms and ways to improve the quality of life for those with ADHD.
If you have been diagnosed with ADHD, you understand how it affects every area of your life and how you have been experiencing these issues for as long as you remember. Yet, you see the world the very same way as those without ADHD, as ADHD is not a sensory disorder.
How ADHD impacts productivity?
People with ADHD have problems in many crucial areas of their lives. We tend to have poor organization skills, issues with motivation, memory, time management, and completing everyday tasks. That’s why many search for ADHD apps or productivity tools: it just feels harder for us to fulfill all life's demands.
We enjoy doing a lot of things, but usually not those we really ought to. We tend to pick easy tasks instead of those that are important. And when there is a lot on our plate, we are easily overwhelmed.
Many people with ADHD are very smart, yet even when we try hard, and hard we try indeed, we still feel like we're working far below what we could or would like to be doing. We often have great difficulty with getting started on a task despite repeated prodding and reminding.
People with ADHD often live with the embarrassment and shame of their disorganization or compulsive attempts to appear organized. ADHD person may be disorganized, chronically rushed, and overly dependent on external deadlines and time crunches to stay on track.
The disorganization contributes to our level of stress. And we know stress is not great for our well-being. Yet, we rely on stress to push us to complete tasks at the very last moment, and neurotypical productivity advice just does not work for us.
How can Lunatask help?
Productivity apps often feel like they are designed for robots, so we wanted to make one for humans, especially those with ADHD.
Lunatask is the one app that you will need to keep track of tasks, thoughts, habits and emotions. It acts as your ADHD task manager by prioritizing your to-dos for you and letting you focus on one area of your life at a time.
Externalize memory
Write down everything that needs to be done in each area of your life. People with ADHD have a harder time keeping stuff in their heads. Lunatask remembers everything for you and keeps tasks tidy.

Leave prioritization to us
Lunatask displays at a glance everything you noted down, along with how important it is to you, how long each task will take, whether it has been started, and counts the days since its addition to the list. This frees you from the mental overhead of picking what needs to be done first.
Our app prioritizes tasks for you in a way that nothing is left behind. For example, Lunatask nudges you to finish already started tasks before taking on new work, shows older tasks before newer ones, etc. Together with features like the work-in-progress limit and notifications for scheduled tasks and habits, we help you stay on the right track, so everything gets done in a timely fashion.
Lunatasks also lets you sort tasks based on whether they're Must, Should, or Want do’s. This method can be a better fit for ADHD brains because it makes it simpler to decide what matters the most.
Build healthy habits
Use our visual habit tracker to adopt habits and improve your quality of life. Having accountability and maintaining your streak will keep you going and motivated.
Do you forget to take your medication three times a day? Set daily reminders. Need to exercise? Lunatask will help you stick to a routine with an easy-to-use ADHD habit tracker.

Reflect as you go
Lunatask includes a built-in journal and mood tracker, allowing you to monitor your energy levels, and how busy or overwhelmed you were each day. We built these trackers because they are especially relevant to people with ADHD.

Journaling has many benefits on the journey towards your goals. It helps process emotions in a positive way and can improve awareness of anxiety and depression by clearing your mental clutter, focusing your mind, and building awareness of your thoughts and feelings. It also reduces intrusion and avoidance symptoms post-trauma. Keeping a journal is a way to express yourself without judgement or rules.

Because your journal is the vault for your most sensitive thoughts, you can protect it with a four-digit PIN to ensure you are the only one who can access it. The PIN-protected journal can be enabled in the settings.
Stay in touch with people you care about
Let's face it, many of us are terrible at maintaining relationships with friends and people around us because of our object permanence deficits and things being “out of sight, out of mind”. Sometimes we even lose touch with people because of it. Our relationship tracking feature is here to help with that.

Lunatask is not just a to-do list. It's also a habit tracker, calendar, mood tracker, daily journal, pomodoro timer, and a powerful note-taking app. With its holistic approach, your thoughts find a home in a single ADHD app and your brain will feel lighter. Plus, the many productivity techniques included in Lunatask let you explore which method works best for you.

Create a day plan with everything
How many times have you got excited about using a habit tracker, installed an app, and forgot it existed the next day? We have all been there before: that’s why we found ways to prevent this from happening in Lunatask.
Are you looking at your tasks all day and forgetting about your habits? Your habits will be right next to them, with no need to keep reminding yourself to switch somewhere else to check them off. You can even drag them onto the one calendar where you already have your tasks: that’s what makes Lunatask the best daily planner for ADHD.
It's the little things that make all the difference.

Minimize distractions
Distractions should not get in your way to get things done. That’s when Areas of Life come in: Choose what you want to focus on (like work) and other areas and tasks will be out of sight until you’re done with your focus time – with no need to overthink your to-do list.
Don't forget to take an umbrella
Going out only to realize you forgot to check the weather? Lunatask shows the current weather condition and temperature, so you are more mindful of the situation behind the window and are always appropriately dressed.
Wait, there's more!
We did not even mention other ADHD-friendly features like timers or quick note.
Got an idea how to make Lunatask even more ADHD-friendly? Let us know on our Idea Portal or send us a message.
Other tips for ADHD
- Many adults with ADHD equate their personal value, their intelligence, and their general skill levels with their ability to organize. Don't do that, you're much more than your ADHD.
- Avoid volunteering to organize more complicated projects. Don't try to push it through just to prove to others you can do it, especially in the workplace. It's okay to ask for help, and you don't have to prove anything to anyone.
- Under-promise and over-deliver. Create deadlines but keep them to yourself.
- Break down your tasks into tiny subtasks. Getting started on smaller tasks is easier because they seem less intimidating.
- Make your work environment more ADHD supportive and educate the people around you about ADHD
- Education is a super-power. Read a book or two about ADHD. We've read a dozen books on the topic and hundreds of stories of people like us. Depending on how far you're on your ADHD journey, this alone can profoundly change how you see yourself and the world around you. If books and scientific papers are not for you, try the How to ADHD YouTube channel.
- Remember that the goal is not to get over it, it's about learning a way how to live with it
- If you have ADHD, your ADHD is a vital part of who you are. We would not trade it in order to be "normal", it makes us who we are. Without it, we would be very different people.
- ADHD can be a super-power too! Jessica has a great video about it over there on her YouTube channel.
- Don't hesitate to get help if you need it. Look up your local support groups, join a community on Facebook or visit r/ADHD on Reddit. We also have a Slack community. You will find a safe space to discuss productivity and all things ADHD.
- You're not alone, there are millions of people all over the world just like you
Where can I learn more about ADHD?
There're many great resources on ADHD on the internet. Just be aware popular websites might oversimplify and take a less scientific approach. We recommend checking out this video, this fact sheet, this article, this website, or How to ADHD on YouTube.
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“This app is literally incredible.”
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“So addicting to use. This is the first time I am actually getting things done and getting addicted to checking off my habits. This app has already destroyed competition.”
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“Wow, this app has a lot of clever concepts. I tried many different todo apps (MANY!), and this one definitely gets a lot of things right.”
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“Lunatask is a revolutionary application that is missing in the market!”
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“Easy, fast and intuitive. I've used a LOT of task management and to-do lists, but Lunatask is the one that sticks with me.”
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“Lunatask has really been life-changing. I know it sounds dramatic, but it really has helped my routine so much!”
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“Naming my child Luna after this app!”
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“Used most of the other to-do apps during many years but this is really the best for my workflow.”
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“I must say this is by far the best productivity app I've ever used, especially for someone with ADHD. You should give it a shot! You won’t regret it!”
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“It really helped with mind clutter while full of amazing features to stay on track and organized. A must have for those with ADHD!”
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“It’s like you read my mind and brought everything I dreamed of to life. The concept and passion behind its development have me completely in awe.”
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“It is an amazing app. A real gem.”
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“I love your app! I've tried every single productivity app and yours is undoubtedly the best. Thank you so much for creating it.”
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“Legit already the best time-blocking app. If you struggle to follow your blockings and get frustrated, this app is for you.”
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“As an ADHD, I need good UX and workflow to help me get organized without overwhelming me. This is just perfect. Also, app support is amazing.”
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“The app is a real gamechanger and has a lot of promise!”
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“You managed to put together the most important planner apps into one nice package without being overwhelming. I've tried a lot of software and you really got it right!”
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“Highly recommended! This tool stands in the top 5% of tools on Tool Finder.”
“I love it. You just say how important something is, and it all automates what you should be doing now. This app is ideal for anyone who struggles with productivity.”
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“I'm someone who constantly tries new tools and switches all the time. However, for the last few weeks, Lunatask has been my go-to tool and replaces a few other tools that I wasn't fully happy with. Can't recommend it enough!”
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“I’ve tried so many to-do apps – I was frustrated with all of them and was considering writing my own to do app. Finding Lunatask spared me having to do so. It works like I think.”
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“I recently downloaded Lunatask, and I love it. It's been phenomenal so far, way better than any other to-do app I have tried!!”
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“I've jumped from tool to tool for decades. Abandoned most of them in 6 months. Since I've found Lunatask, I'm settled.”
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“I showed Lunatask to my close friend and her reaction was to literally shed happy tears and say that this is gonna fix her life!”
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“Like WOW. I needed this!!!!!”
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“This goes beyond what all the other to-do lists do. It's well designed, well executed, and works very well for me!”
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“Just came across Lunatask and I’m really impressed”
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“I don’t think I’ve ever paid for a premium plan so quickly. Just a few clicks using the app and I could tell, everything I wish my to-do list would do, this does it.”
via Slack Community
“This one is really special, especially for those with ADHD. The UI is clean and well laid out, with feature richness and no clutter.”
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“Lunatask replaced a lot of smaller apps I've been using. The interface is beautiful and very responsive. App I didn't know I needed!”
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“I'm loving Lunatask”
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“The thing I like most about Lunatask is that I don't have to think. It's all pretty darn obvious how to do something and it works in ways I expect. Thanks for making this!”
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“Just wanted to express my gratitude for this app, because it has been a positive addition to my life. It has already made a big difference. THANK YOU!!”
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“I will never stop recommending Lunatask when it comes to task management.”
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“This is THE best habit and task tracking app I’ve ever used. Having my journal, notes, relationships, habits, AND tasks in one app is the best thing ever. A heartfelt thank you for such a wonderful product. I feel empowered through Lunatask!”
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“Lunatask emerges as a standout option in an oversaturated market. It sets the tone for a streamlined user experience that many of its competitors fail to achieve.”
“Lunatask is awesome”
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“I've tried ALL the habit tracker and to-do apps and I have fallen in love with Lunatask. Every detail seems to have been carefully thought through. I wholeheartedly recommend it!”
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“Ddaanngg Lunatask is super snazzy”
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“One of the very few E2EE task managers with a great design and dedicated developers!”
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“I tried every single to-do app out there and Lunatask is the first I truly stick to and really like to use on a daily basis.”
via App Store Reviews
“Such a comprehensive app. It has everything you need and is beautiful!”
via App Store Reviews
“Definitely a tool worth trying. With its multiple opinionated prioritization systems, it does the heavy lifting for you.”
via App Store Reviews
“Lunatask wants to be the only app you need for productivity and they are doing an amazing job. One of the coolest apps and one I'm probably most excited about!”
their review on YouTube
“I feel this was designed by people who understand the nuances of an ADHD brain. Wishing you explosive growth, for the sake of people who really need this app!”
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“It's the best (by far) experience I've ever had with a piece of software, and getting to feel like a part of the team as it evolves and grows is just priceless. Thank you so much for putting your heart and soul into this. It really shows!”
via Slack Community
“Very promising privacy-focused app with end-to-end encryption”
via AlternativeTo
“Lunatask literally has everything I've ever wanted in one app. I hope to see Lunatask everywhere soon. I've sent it to all my friends!”
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“After juggling through so many calendar & note-taking apps, I finally found the app that fits my workflow perfectly. Highly recommended, this is the one!”
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“I’m really impressed with just the task section of this app. It’s better than 80% of the apps I've tried, and I’ve probably been trying 1-2 apps a month for ten years.”
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