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  • Lunatask now supports Windows on ARM natively


  • You can now enable a new multi-line view of tasks and the task list in the settings on iOS and Android phones
  • The option to disable progress tracking and remove the progress bar has been added to goals – that's useful for goals that serve more as categories, like "Backlog" or "Ideas"
  • The extraction of links from task descriptions has been ported to the mobile app with the option to turn this feature off in the settings
  • The order of moods in the mood picker was reversed to be more natural
  • You can now assign a date to notes created via the API
  • The desktop no longer prevents canceled but still active subscribers from purchasing the lifetime plan
  • Our mobile app now shows a simple onboarding guide teaching you the basics after you sign up
  • Minor performance updates in the mobile app


  • Added compatibility with the latest changes in Zoho's CalDAV server implementation


  • You can now assign color to each area directly in the mobile app to visually differentiate tasks from different areas on the calendar
  • The option to copy or share the content of a note in Markdown has been added to the mobile app


  • Each area in the "Next to work on" overview now features an arrow icon taking you directly one level below into the task list for that area
  • There's now a setting for turning off audio bell when completing habits in the mobile app
  • The modal for placing habits on the calendar now separates daily and weekly habits in the mobile app
  • Events and time blocks on the calendar in the desktop app now show full event name in a tooltip on hover in cases when it might be cut off
  • All settings labels are now shown multiline instead of being cut off on Android
  • When pressing on a notification for tasks or habits happening now in the mobile app, the calendar now opens
  • More minor visual improvements and fixes


  • Fixed some emojis not displaying properly in task names or elsewhere in the desktop app
  • The first link in a task description is now extracted even for tasks created via email integration
  • Joining of video conference calls for events on the mobile app's calendar has been fixed
  • Fixed all-day events not being shown on top of the calendar in the mobile app and instead taking up the whole height of the calendar
  • The issue where deleting people in the relationship tracker left ghost custom field values behind was also fixed


  • Time-blocking and a new calendar view are now available in the mobile app, allowing you to plan your day upfront minute by minute. The new calendar features drag-and-drop moving of time blocks, touch-based event resizing, pinch-to-zoom to see more or less events, actions to mark things as complete directly from the calendar, an option to join videoconference calls, and more. This is the initial release of this feature on mobile platforms, and it will be improved going forward. The main limitation of the new calendar is that time-blocking is available only for current day.
  • You can now more easily interact with your task list and move tasks around using a new long-press actions menu – simply long-press a task in the list and move the task where you want it to be or pick from a few of most common actions like placing the task onto the calendar or starting a timer for 25 minutes


  • Drawers (the left one with search and the new calendar drawer) can now be closed by pressing the back button on Android
  • When the task timer is running, the mobile app shows a purple bar above the tasks. This bar now stays visible even when you switch to another part of the app, above the note list, journal, etc.
  • A task's age is now shown in task detail on iOS and Android
  • The "open link" button on tasks in the list in our desktop app was redesigned into an icon, taking up less space and visually differentiating it from the goal badge
  • When looking at tasks belonging to a certain goal, the mobile app shows an arrow icon in the toolbar on the top, taking you to the list of all tasks for a given area – this button is now shown there as well, taking you again one step above into the "Next to work on" overview
  • Gestures for opening drawers by sliding from the edge of the screen now have improved thresholds so they do not conflict with gestures for, for example, swiping left to delete a task
  • Other minor onboarding and visual improvements


  • The issue causing the app layout on iOS and Android to get broken when screen orientation changes from portrait to landscape and back was fixed
  • The height of the task scheduling dropdown no longer jumps when switching months in the dropdown in the desktop app
  • Fixed vertical line in the journal overflowing last happy memory in some cases in the desktop app
  • Fixed incorrect message shown in the desktop app's logbook when a user has between 43 and 100 completed tasks
  • Drag and double-click behavior in the main menu on the top of our desktop app was improved to prevent accidental window moves and maximizations when clicking menu items


  • You can now set a short name for goals on iOS and Android. When set, tasks in the list will show what goal they belong to.
  • Improved Wayland support on Linux


  • Fixed text/note fields in the relationship tracker not updating properly when switching between different people on iOS and Android
  • Fixed setting for enabling PIN protection on relationships not working correctly on iOS and Android


I'm happy to not have touched pricing for so long – actually since August 2021 when Lunatask got out of beta and pricing was introduced. I'm against frequent pricing updates and would ideally like to stick with one forever.

However, after three years of development and countless new features added, including support for all various platforms, I’m making a one-time adjustment to simplify and standardize our pricing.

When we set up our first payment gateway (Paddle), we displayed prices excluding VAT and sales tax – those are added during checkout based on your region. In contrast, prices in the App Store include taxes upfront. This led to discrepancies depending on where you subscribed.

To address this as well, we’re unifying our pricing while keeping a way for you to stay as close as possible to the original rate of $6/mo. If you switch to the yearly plan, you continue paying $6/mo even after the adjustment.

Here’s a breakdown of the adjusted pricing:

Before via App StoreBefore via PaddleNew unified price
Paid monthly$7$6 (+taxes)$8
Paid annually$72$60 (+taxes)$72 ($6/mo)
Lifetime$200 (+taxes)$220

There’s nothing you need to do – on your next renewal, you will automatically be charged the new price. All percentage discounts, like our education discount, stay in place and the new price will be calculated accordingly.

As always, I appreciate your support as I continue developing the app that helps you get stuff done, everyday.

P.S. Stay tuned! This change comes alongside exciting new features like time blocking and a calendar in mobile apps, as well as a redesigned and vastly improved note-taking experience that is coming early in 2025 and more! 🚀

VAT/sales tax handling for existing Paddle customers

Existing Paddle subscriptions will continue being charged additional tax on top of the new base price of $8/mo or $72/yr. We had been in touch with Paddle's support team to try to resolve this, but unfortunately, their system architecture does not allow to switch existing subscriptions from excluding taxes to already including them in the base price.

Proration behavior for existing Paddle customers

Since the pricing change took effect immediately on December 11th, your next charge in December/January might be slightly higher because of this, as Paddle will charge a prorated amount for the unpaid time between December 11th and your next renewal date.

Here is a breakdown for an example customer who is renewing on December 27th:

  • Unused portion of the previous plan: $6*16/30=$3.20
  • Cost of the new plan: $8*16/30=$4.27
  • Proration cost: $1.07
  • Buyer's tax rate: 10%
  • Total renewal on December 27th: ($8+$1.07)*1.10=$9.97
  • Future renewals: $8*1.1=$8.8


  • Desktop notifications were added for birthdays and anniversaries happening today (mobile notifications will come further down the road)
  • Your journal is now one endless scrollable timeline in our desktop app – no more showing just the last 30 days
  • Minor onboarding improvements


  • Fixed Outlook calendar integrations not authorizing since the last update
  • Fixed task estimate picker setting a wrong estimate on iOS and Android
  • Red badge counting coming up tasks in an area no longer counts in recurring tasks moved out of the "coming up" section, for example, into "next"


  • You can now connect your Facebook Events and see them on your calendar in Lunatask, and not just that – Proton, Hey, or any other calendar offering an iCal/ics feed are now also supported


  • G and Shift-G keyboard shortcuts were added to cycle between goals within a current area
  • There's a new chart above the habit tracker showing three most common emotions in a selected period
  • 17 new emotions were added to our mood tracker, including ambivalent, avoidant, bearable, confident, courageous, disappointed, disoriented, efficient, focused, foggy, fragile, guilty, irritated, pain, satisfied, sleepy, sloppy, and thoughtful
  • The emotion picker was redesigned a bit and emotions are now sorted alphabetically
  • The data sync was improved so fast subsequent changes do not arrive to other devices out of order, which previously might have happened occasionally


  • Fixed feelings picker sometimes unselecting previously selected emotions when selecting new ones on iOS and Android
  • Logbook's area filter is now cleared when jumping to search results in the logbook
  • Fixed Ctrl+N emacs keybinding is now working and creating a new task instead
  • Scroll to cursor functionality of the editor was improved on iOS and Android


  • iOS and Android apps are getting notifications (for time-blocked tasks and scheduled habits only for now). Notifications for birthdays and anniversaries will arrive later. Notifications right now also do not include end-to-end encrypted data like task or habit names. You can enable notifications by visiting the notifications section in the mobile app's settings.
  • You can now filter the logbook to show only completed tasks for a specific area (this feature is available in the desktop app)
  • You can now pause a reconnect reminder for any person without removing the reconnect rule altogether
  • You can now schedule at what times of the day you perform your habits in the mobile app
  • The people hierarchy/grid can now be filtered to show only business/work contacts
  • There's now a Habit Tracking API


  • On iOS and Android, there's now a new button in the list of tasks beneath each goal that will take you to the list above, the main list of tasks for the area
  • All entered settings for newly created CalDAV integrations are end-to-end encrypted (see the note below)
  • Improvements to new user onboarding


  • Fixed record streak calculation for weekly habits not working correctly
  • Fixed partitioning habits between active and not occurring on the day not handling weekly habits well in the mobile app
  • Fixed the scroll-to-cursor functionality of the mobile app's editor on certain devices

Encryption for iCloud, Fastmail, and CalDAV integrations

Previously, iCloud, Fastmail, and CalDAV integrations encrypted entered passwords end-to-end but not usernames or server URLs (in the case of CalDAV integrations). All newly created iCloud, Fastmail, and CalDAV calendar integrations now encrypt end-to-end all configuration settings entered (including server URLs).

To keep backward compatibility, all iCloud, Fastmail, and CalDAV integrations created in the past will be marked as "legacy" integrations in the settings and show a warning message recommending upgrading the integration to a fully end-to-end encrypted version.

Versioning update

As of this update, we are unifying the versioning of both desktop and mobile apps. From now on, all future versions of Lunatask will be released on all platforms simultaneously under the same version number. As of this update, changes in the mobile app are being published as part of the changelog on the website, not just in the Slack Community.


  • The behavior of many-times habits in the habit widget at the bottom of the calendar was improved. Now the habit widget will continue suggesting habits until their goal is met or "skip today" is pressed.
  • Double-clicking on the main menu toolbar on the top now maximizes the window


  • Fixed a wrong label on the badge indicating a subscription's state saying "canceled," even for some active subscription
  • Fixed completing habits in the habit tracker marking wrong time blocks as complete
  • Fixed completing habits in the habit tracker duplicating a time block on the calendar sometimes
  • Fixed notifications being triggered for already completed time blocks on the calendar
  • Fixed the habit widget at the bottom of the calendar offering many-times habits even when their week's goal was already met
  • Fixed in-app success notification after deleting areas being shown twice
  • Fixed protected notebooks, journal, and relationship tracking not locking when the app is backgrounded due to a change in Electron where turning off background throttling prevents the app from reading its background/foreground status
  • Fixed good morning messages not being shown anymore for the same background throttling reason
  • There's now an option to disable GPU acceleration in the diagnostics section of the settings (enabled by default for Linux users to avoid issues and visual glitches some snap users experience caused by a specific combination of using snaps, Electron, and certain GPU drivers)


The v2.0.8 update is a re-release of this update with one additional regression fixed.