I'm happy to not have touched pricing for so long – actually since August 2021 when Lunatask got out of beta and pricing was introduced. I'm against frequent pricing updates and would ideally like to stick with one forever.
However, after three years of development and countless new features added, including support for all various platforms, I’m making a one-time adjustment to simplify and standardize our pricing.
When we set up our first payment gateway (Paddle), we displayed prices excluding VAT and sales tax – those are added during checkout based on your region. In contrast, prices in the App Store include taxes upfront. This led to discrepancies depending on where you subscribed.
To address this as well, we’re unifying our pricing while keeping a way for you to stay as close as possible to the original rate of $6/mo. If you switch to the yearly plan, you continue paying $6/mo even after the adjustment.
Here’s a breakdown of the adjusted pricing:
Before via App Store | Before via Paddle | New unified price | |
Paid monthly | $7 | $6 (+taxes) | $8 |
Paid annually | $72 | $60 (+taxes) | $72 ($6/mo) |
Lifetime | $200 (+taxes) | $220 |
The new pricing will take effect on December 6th. There’s nothing you need to do – on your next renewal, you will automatically be charged the new price. All percentage discounts, like our education discount, stay in place and the new price will be calculated accordingly.
As always, I appreciate your support as I continue developing the app that helps you get stuff done, everyday.
P.S. Stay tuned! This change comes alongside exciting new features like time blocking and a calendar in mobile apps, as well as a redesigned and vastly improved note-taking experience that is coming early in 2025 and more! 🚀
Existing Paddle customers will continue being charged additional tax on top of the new base price of $8/mo or $72/yr.
We had been in touch with Paddle's support team to try to resolve this, but unfortunately, their system architecture does not allow to switch existing subscriptions from excluding taxes to already including them in the base price.
This switch will occur only when the subscription changes – when it is canceled and created again, when it is upgraded from monthly to yearly billing, or when it is downgraded from yearly to monthly billing. We apologize for the inconvenience.