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Must/Should/Want method

⚡️ This feature is available on Premium plan

This workflow is our modification of MoSCoW productivity method. This way of prioritizing tasks works better for some people to figure out what is important, what is not, and what to focus on first. It also works great for shopping lists!

In this workflow, instead of using task status like Started or Next, you assign to each task whether it is Must, Should, or Want — we call these motivations. The list is then sorted with Must tasks on the top, then Should tasks, your Want tasks, and finally tasks to work on some later time at the bottom.

Must/Should/Want method


This screenshot is from an older version of Lunatask. The app looks different these days, but the functionality of the feature showcased here is the same.

What each motivation means to you is up to you. Some people plan their day by reviewing their task list every morning and assigning motivations for the day — you can implement The Ivy Lee Method this way.

Task statuses like Started or Next are not available in this workflow.


We are working on making Waiting status available in this workflow shortly 🤞

Tasks in each bucket are sorted by something we call urgency. You can think of urgency as a set of rules that govern the order of tasks in the list. Learn more about urgency on our page dedicated to prioritization.


The task with the highest urgency will be highlighted in bold in the list as the next task to work on. This can be disabled in the settings.

As in other workflows, start working on tasks from the top. If you have trouble getting started on a task, set a timer.


No need to look at tasks that are not relevant now — once you plan the tasks to work on next, collapse Later section by double-clicking its name. This works for all sections in all workflows.