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Common questions (FAQ)

When we get a lot of questions about a particular thing related to a specific feature (e.g. calendar, date-based scheduling, or time blocking), we provide an answer directly in the documentation page for that particular feature. If you did not find your answer there, we provide answers to other questions or reports we often get on this page.


We have a separate FAQ regarding subscriptions, plans, billing, and discounts here. You can request education discount here.

Bugs and issues

1. Login email with a one-time sign-in code is not arriving
Please check your spam folder first. If the email is still nowhere to be found, please wait ten minutes. It can happen from time to time that there is a slight delay in delivering emails to your email provider. It is rare but normal. Our systems will keep trying until the email is successfully delivered. If there's no email in ten minutes, please send us a message.
2. The app asked me to login again and now my data is gone!
Since login is done via a one-time sign-in code sent to your mailbox, there are no separate signup and login flows, and accounts are provisioned on the fly when you log in for the first time. Because of that, people who have multiple email addresses sometimes accidentally create a new account when they use the wrong address. Perhaps your account and data safely lives under your Yahoo address instead of your Gmail one?

Please double-check your email address. You can do that, for example, by searching your mailbox for past login emails from Lunatask — if you don't find any, you know it's the wrong mailbox.
3. Scrollbars are missing in the Windows version of the app
Scrollbars are indeed missing in the Windows version of the app. The initial reason many years ago was that native Chromium's scrollbars are just so ugly, and the thinking was that everyone uses a mouse wheel or trackpad scroll gesture anyway. But since then, we learned there are a few people out there without such an option. For those, Lunatask probably won't work today. However, we plan to look into reintroducing scrollbars to the Windows version of the app, maybe even later this year.
4. Notifications do not work for me in the mobile app
Make sure you have notifications enabled in Settings → Notifications. Notifications are not enabled by default.

Note for users on alternative Android distributions: Our recently released Android app uses Google Play Services for notification delivery. Google's Android is the only officially supported Android platform. Although the app might work well on other distributions (like GrapheneOS), some features like notifications might not be available. Due to limited resources, there are currently no plans to introduce an alternative notification delivery system.
5. I cannot log in with password in Lockdown Mode on iOS
Lunatask uses argon2 key derivation function for password hashing as part of our encryption toolchain, which is implemented in WebAssembly. Unfortunately, WebAssembly support is disabled system-wide in Lockdown Mode. To set up the app, please temporarily disable Lockdown Mode. Once you log in and set up a four-digit PIN in the settings, you can enable Lockdown Mode again, and it should not interfere with anything any longer.
6. There are black rectangles instead of text in alerts and confirmation messages on Linux
This issue might happen on some systems for those using the snap version of the app. Make sure hardware acceleration is disabled in Settings → Diagnostics, and try clearing font caches using the following commands:

fc-cache -r
rm ~/.cache/fontconfig/*
sudo rm -f /var/cache/fontconfig/*

If that does not help, or the issue comes back after app/system restart, please download the AppImage version of the app.

Help with features, roadmap, etc.


Please check the Idea Portal first before asking if a certain feature is coming to Lunatask. If you find the feature there, add a vote for it instead. We use the Idea Portal to know what features are important to you and how much demand is for each.

7. Can I create reminders for tasks?
Lunatask has this feature – we call it time blocking. If you schedule onto the calendar in our desktop app, you will receive a notification on all your devices when the time comes. Of course, time blocking is currently available for today and tomorrow only, but that will change going forward.

Time blocking has yet to be ported into our mobile app. Still, if you visit Settings → Notification in the mobile app and enable notifications for time-blocked tasks, you will receive mobile notifications for what you scheduled in our desktop app. Read more about notifications & reminders in our documentation.
8. Can I add images to my notes or journal entries?
Lunatask is an encrypted app and implementing end-to-end encrypted file uploads in multi-platform apps like Lunatask is not trivial. Due to development and maintenance complexity, this feature is not on the roadmap for 2024.

If this feature is vital for you, please vote for this feature on our Idea Portal.
9. What are the numbers next to tasks?
That's the age of a task in days. Although you might find it annoying initially, it has an important psychological effect. You will see once you use the app for a while. We are currently not considering adding an option to disable this feature.
10. Why some tasks have a small notch in the bottom right corner of their checkbox?
In the past, many people asked us to add an indicator that a task has a note (task description) attached. We were reluctant to add another indicator behind task names, as it would clutter the UI and, in many cases, would not be needed. Ultimately, we devised a clever way to provide an indicator for those who need it without cluttering the UI for those who don't – hence the little notch in the checkbox on those tasks with a note attached.
11. Is there a way to schedule subtasks?
Unfortunately, there isn't at the moment, given we implement subtasks using Markdown checklists in task descriptions. Time-block your main task instead. When the time comes, open your main task and work on the next subtasks that need to be worked on.
12. Is there a view of all tasks between all areas and goals?
Unfortunately, there isn't at the moment. Lunatask embraces the philosophy of "less is more". Although we understand you might want to use this occasionally, we generally don't want to have many different views on tasks in the app. Hence why we have only the "Next to work on" overview of all planned tasks across all areas and that's it.
13. Are there any plans for integrating tasks and notes?
In the long term, probably yes, but the exact solution is not clear yet.

Short-term, to some degree. There's a feature coming soon that allows you to paste text, and tasks will be created for each line of that text. You would select a checklist in a note, copy it into your clipboard, switch to your task list, and paste it to create regular tasks for each checklist item. But there won't be any linking between them to, for example, keep the names of tasks in sync with the original checklist and vice versa.
14. Can I delegate or share tasks or notes with my partner, family, etc?
Lunatask is an end-to-end encrypted app, so sharing data with other accounts is difficult. However, we plan to make changes to our encryption model allowing sharing of tasks lists between users in the future.

At the moment, it is possible to add tasks to, for example, your children's lists without being able to view their other tasks, journal, or access anything else in their account. You can do that using our email integration or using Shortcuts on iOS and Mac.
15. I don't use the journal or relationship tracking. Can I turn them off?
Not at the moment. Users ask from time to time for the ability to customize Lunatask to have only certain features they use. This feature is not challenging from a technical standpoint, but it would have profound implications on our product, business, marketing, who the target persona is for Lunatask, how the app should be priced, etc. It is a bit of a rabbit hole for us when discussing it and it is a product decision we made not to offer this feature.

Think of it this way: The solution is not to disable or hide the journal or habit tracker. The solution is to make them even better, so you cannot resist but to use them :)
16. Why sections/statuses hide when there are no tasks in them? I cannot drag and drop tasks easily.
Because they are a clutter and distraction. Try Shift+Left and Shift+Right keyboard shortcuts. Once you learn these, you won't want to go back.
17. Is Lunatask available in Portuguese, Korean, German, or other languages? Can I help with translating?
Our apps and documentation are available only in English. Lunatask is a young project, and everything we do is optimized for the speed of development – there's still so much left to be built. Maintaining localizations and translating each new feature into all languages would slow the development cycle considerably. For these reasons, we don't provide localizations for our apps, nor is it on our roadmap for the next 12 months.
18. I don't like the curvy font. Can I change it?
Well, we know it is a controversial choice. We used it to make the app's interface more friendly and welcoming. It is a temporary solution until we add the ability to pick between several font combinations for note titles and their content (for example, some people prefer serif font in their notes). We are also considering adding an option to disable the curvy font and fallback to a system one in one of the future releases, mainly for those who write in languages not supported by the curvy font (e.g. Thai).
19. Is the app's icon supposed to represent a pride flag?
It is a pure coincidence. The icon's background represents the colorful grid of our habit tracker. We did not realize that until one of our users pointed out the similarity. We support the LGBTQ+ cause anyway, so we don't mind.
20. Why do you have community on Slack and not Reddit or Discord?
It really comes to personal preferences. We are just used to and love Slack. Slack was the central communication hub of all the companies we had worked in previously. The second reason is that certain tools attract certain kinds of people, and a community on Reddit will naturally have a different vibe than a community on Slack. Regarding whether to have a public or private community, we opted to have a safe and private space for people who join.
21. I'm a developer/designer/copywriter/etc, and I'd love to help
Mike sincerely appreciates your offer, but he currently has all he needs, no external help needed.
Need more help?

Did not find your answer in the documentation or this FAQ? Feel free to send us a message. We are always here to help! Our Slack Community is also great for asking questions and sharing your feedback.