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Time Blocking

Time-blocking is about planning your day upfront by dragging your tasks and habits onto the calendar between your meetings and appointments.

You can find your calendar in the sidebar on the right of your task lists and toggle whether it is open using an icon in the toolbar on the bottom of the screen or via CMD+S (on Mac) or Ctrl+S (on other platforms).

Simply drag any of your tasks onto to calendar to plan them into your day. To time-block your habits, refer to our dedicated article on habit scheduling.



When the sidebar is resized and made large enough, tomorrow appears, allowing you to plan out tomorrow hour by hour.


Dragging your tasks onto the calendar respects their set estimate. See our article dedicated to estimation for more information.

Other calendar features​

For connecting third-party calendars or other calendar-related features, see our article dedicated to the calendar.


Can I place breaks on the calendar?​

Yes, please look at how to implement breaks with specific durations here.

Can I see different calendars in different lists? I don't want to see my work calendar when looking at my personal tasks​

This would bring more problems than it would solve, unfortunately. Your daily schedule is your daily schedule, regardless of what list you are looking at. It could lead to situations where either you miss a work meeting because you don’t see it or you time-block a personal task for the same time you already time-blocked a work task without knowing.

When I update time block length, the estimate does not change​

This is expected. Just because you decided to work on a task two hours before lunch, it does not mean the task will take two hours to complete. You might work on the task also later in the day or tomorrow in another time block. It works the same way other way around. You might have a two-hour task, but decide to create a three-hour time block on the calendar (just in case or for whatever other reason).

For many small tasks (like 15-minute tasks), the time block length will often match the estimate. That's also why the default length for newly created time blocks matches the task's estimate, but it's a loose relationship that is not always kept in sync both ways for reasons explained here. Always keep the remaining time needed to complete the task (the estimate) up to date manually.