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Lunatask implements subtasks using checklists in task descriptions. This way, you can give any structure to your subtasks, including nesting them.

To create a subtask, click the checklist icon in the formatting toolbar. Alternatively, type [ ] and a checklist will be created.

To reorder subtasks, click the corresponding icon in the formatting toolbar, or use Alt+Arrow Up and Alt+Arrow Down keyboard shortcuts.



When creating subtasks for recurring tasks, completing or skipping each occurrence will uncheck all subtasks, so each occurrence gets a fresh start.

Progress tracking

Our apps provide two ways to track progress on multi-step tasks. You can assign the progress manually (e.g. 40%) or let it be calculated automatically from the number of completed subtasks.


Hovering over the progress indicator in the task list will show the exact percentage and the number of completed versus pending tasks in a tooltip.