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  • Improvements to Cloud Sync


If you experienced any issues with Cloud Sync in the past, sign out and log in again after updating to v0.0.25 (iOS beta) or v1.5.11 (desktop) – this will ensure the local copy of your data is up to date and improved sync will take care of maintaining it going forward.


  • You can now select a task in the list and press S to schedule it for a future date without the need to open task detail
  • Allow moving recurring tasks out of "coming up" section without losing the date and recurrence rule
  • Added simple bulk-edit to notes (currently, only delete and move actions are supported)
  • You can now filter the note list to show only shared notes or templates
  • Added weather widget to the menu (can be disabled in the settings)
  • Brought back keyboard shortcuts for changing heading size and prevented conflict with navigation shortcuts
  • Minor design improvements in dropdowns across the app


  • Fixed drag and drop reordering of notebooks when many notebooks and scrollable picker
  • Note, task description, and journal entry Markdown editors now rerender with new content when updated on another device when they are mounted (unless they are focused)


  • Added C keyboard shortcut to complete selected task
  • Added A, N, and CMD+N keyboard shortcuts to create a new journal entry for today in the journal section
  • New more subtle audio bell when a task timer completes
  • Clicking on blank space around a note, task description, journal entry, or quick note now focuses the editor
  • Formatting toolbar in notes has a new look and hides when the note is not focused
  • Added diagnostics section to settings with app version and cloud sync status


  • Fixed notebook picker and note tag filter overflowing the window when too many notebooks/tags


  • Task timers are now cloud-enabled – running the timer on one device will make it show up on all your other devices (including in the iOS app)
  • You can now export all your data as a backup or for migration to another tool (visit Settings > Export)
  • Added the ability to reset your account when you forget your master password (follow the instructions at
  • Minor visual improvements


  • Significant performance improvements in task lists and notes
  • Added indicator to started tasks in the list when the WIP limit is reached and when it might not be obvious which tasks are started (e.g. in Eisenhower matrix grouping)
  • Added in-app toast notification when calendar integration becomes inactive due to expired authentication + the button to reauthorize the integration directly from the notification
  • Video conference join link extraction from calendar events now supports Microsoft Teams
  • Improved task scheduling natural language parser so partial match shows initial suggestions as well (i.e. typing "To" will show "Tomorrow" among suggestions)


  • Note list now has a slightly refreshed look (it looks great especially in dark mode)
  • Improvements to dark mode bringing more consistency between task/note/journal entry detail
  • Added “inbox” area icon
  • Added submit buttons to login/signup flows
  • With the launch of new documentation portal, documentation links were updated across the app


  • When a new journal entry is created, its content is now auto-focused instead of its name
  • The “scheduled” section in the task list was renamed to “coming up”
  • Current/record streak calculation was removed for bad habits
  • The “removable-media” plug was added to snap manifest


  • Checkbox items now reset when completing a repeating task, so the next occurrence has all subtasks unchecked
  • Fixed changing start/end dates for repeating tasks not marking the dialog as dirty and reenabling the save button


  • Similar to Mac and Linux, the badge is now also shown on the app icon in the taskbar on Windows
  • The date picker icon in the note header is now highlighted when the note has a date attached
  • Add note tag input is now refocused after adding a tag
  • The note list now scrolls to the note when its attached date changes and the list is sorted by the attached date


  • 18 new emotions were added to feel picker (including distracted, depressed, or sick)
  • Email integration is now listed on “Connected apps” settings page


  • Fixed tall characters in some languages (e.g. Thai) cut off due to insufficient line height in some parts of the application
  • Fixed zero energy/busy level value not being correctly passed to the mood tracker popup on reopen


  • Many-times habits now support goals. Previously, Lunatask considered many-times habits complete when there was a single activity tracked. This is now fixed and you can set the goal so the app won’t consider the habit as complete until the specified number of activities has been tracked in the period.
  • Many-times habits now support scheduling. You can now set multiple times of day on many-times habits, so the habit shows up in the calendar every day at set times and you get a notification for each occurrence.
  • The template new journal entries are initialized with can now be customized. In the template, you can ask yourself questions you’d like to answer in each entry or remind yourself of things not to forget to enter into your journal.


  • When a task is scheduled for some future date, all time blocks for this task for the rest of the day are removed from the calendar
  • The scrollback to the current time in the calendar is now less annoying as it now gets delayed when you are still interacting with the calendar, i.e. planning your evening
  • Added the option to show time in 24h format across the app
  • The font size for medium/large settings was changed and the medium setting was made default for new users, or those who did not change it in the past
  • Added a variety of new good morning messages
  • The invisible window top drag bar now supports native window snapping on Windows (but only in tasks and settings, not in the habit tracker or notes)
  • Minimum supported screen resolution was lowered to 1024x768
  • Lunatask for Mac now comes as a universal build for both Intel and M1-based Macs